Short description of the document printer System interface
T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide 9
System interfaceData, which activates the functions of the printer is transferred through the sy-
stem interface. The interfaces has the following characteristics:
– the physical connection
– the logic protocol (command sequences)
The characteristics are selected via the operating panel.
Physical interface
Two interfaces are available:
– internal interface (RS232)
– optional (external)interfac e (Centronics,L AN,etc. in combination with a cor-
respondent additonal logic).
Logical protocol
Several protocols(emulations) are available. Dependent on the loaded firmware
configuration the following selection is possible:
Firmware configuration ’5023_STD’
Epson ANSI
IBM 4722
Proprinter XL24
Firmware configuration ’5023_OLI’
Epson ANSI
Proprinter XL24