Document processing Application examples
260 T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide
8a. Selecting LQ type font
Command: ESC k (n)
Parameter: n=0(Romantypefont)
8b. Printing amount text
Print data: "FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY---------"
9. Reaching horizontal print position for currency abbreviation/amount
Command: ESC $ (n) (m)
Parameters: n = 2, m = 1
Remarks: First print character on position 43 = 258/60
10. Printing currency abbreviation/ amount
Print data: "£ ---- 450,00"
11. Line feed
Command: ESC J (n)
Parameter: n = 53
Remarks: ESC J (n) executes a line feed of n/180 inch,
here 53/180 inch = 7.5 mm.
12. Reaching horizontal print position for name of receiver
Command: ESC $ (n) (m)
Parameters: n=60,m=0(seealsostep9)