Print effects Programming interface (General)
18 T5023/5023+ - Programming Guide
FontsIn addition to the DQ font for drafts, the default fonts Roman, Sans Serif, OCR A
(OCR A1 Eurobanking) and OCR B (OCR B1 Eurobanking), as well as the cha-
racter set ISO 8859 with the following versions are available for Letter Quality
(LQ mode):
– East Europe
– Cyrillic
The DQ, Roman and Sans Serif fonts are selected via corresponding ESC se-
quences in the program.
The OCR- A, OCR- B and ISO 8859 fonts, as well as all special, non- Epson-
compatible fonts, can only be selected via CSIsequences. The character fonts
thus selected are treated like normal LQ type fonts, this means that all standard
commands (print quality, character size, print type) are also effective for these
Example (fonts in Letter Quality):