4.4.6 Video Quality

The different video sources need differe nt Video Quality Settings. Main Camera, VCR, AUX and
Split Screen have Motion as default. PC, Docume nt Camera and VNC have Sharpness a s
Motion* Optimized for smooth motion video (CIF/SIF or w288p for low ba ndwidths,
448p/400p, Interlaced CIF (iCIF) / Interlaced SIF (iSIF) or w448p for high
Sharpness* Optimized for sharp video (4CIF/4SIF, SVGA, XGA, w720p).
The system chooses the b est of Motion or Sharpness depending on picture
layout and bandwidth. Intelligent Video Management (IVM)

It is possible to configure the picture sent from the syst em depending upon specif ic requirements
and applications adding a n addition al level of flexibility and adaptability.
Generally, the IVM will always try to transmit the format closest to the video input format. Each
video input can be configured to either motion or sharpness:
When there is a need for higher frame rates, typically when a large number of participants are
present or when there is a lot of motion in the picture.
At low bit rate:
CIF will be used from a PAL video input
w288p from wide format (HD720p) input
VGA/SVGA/XGA from PC, Digital Clarity
At high bit rate:
448p will be used from a PAL video input if Natural Video is ‘Off’ or ‘Auto’ or if
Natural Video is ‘x kbps’ and the bit rate is lower than x kbps
400p from NTSC if Natural Video is ‘Off’ or ‘Auto’ or if Natural Video is ‘x kbps’ and
the bit rate is lower than x kbps
iCIF will be used from a PAL video input, if Natural Video is ‘x kbps’ and the bit
rate is higher than or equal to x kbps
iSIF from NTSC, if Natural Video is ‘x kbps’ and the bit rate is higher than or equal
to x kbps
w448p will be used from a wide format (HD720p) input
VGA/SVGA/XGA from PC, Digital Clarity