General Use
55 Add New Contact

The New Contact function is availabl e from My Conta cts.
Add a new contact to My Contacts by:
1. Select the New Contacts button to open the New Contacts dialog box.
2. Enter Name by using the letter keys on the remote control. Input will automatically be
interpreted as letters. Toggle betwe en capital letters and small letters by pressing the #
button on the remote control. The maximum name length is 30 characters. For numbers,
press the # button for one second.
3. Enter Number by using the number keys on the remote control. Input will automatically be
interpreted as numbers. The maximum number length is 60 numbers. Use a star as
separator in IP addresse s. For letters, press the # button for one second.
4. Alter the default setting of Call Type if necessary.
5. Alter the default setting of Network if necessary.
6. Alter the default setting of Bandwidth if necessary. For bandwi dth 2x64 kb ps or 2x56
kbps, two numbers are required, see Default Call Settings for more details.
7. Alter the default setting of Restrict ( 56k) if necessary.
8. Press OK to save.