Streaming TTL/Router Hops: Used for streaming d ata to limit how many ro uters the data should
pass before it is rejected.
Streaming Video Rate: Defines the Video streaming rate from the system.
SVGA: Super VGA. (800x600)
SXGA: Super extended Graphics Array (1280x1024)
System information: Lists system numbers, line status, software version and other useful
System name: Identifies a videoconfere ncing system


T1: Network type, 24 channels. Default for NTSC versions.
T1 Line Coding: Indicates how the sign als on the line should be coded. If parts of the systems
use restricted codin g, this should be selected.
Take chair: Request chai rmanship of the conference. If no one else is chairman, the request is
TCS-4: Used to address different systems on a LAN when dialing in via a gateway .
Terminal Names: Lists the site numbers or name (if supported) of other sites connected in the
Terminate meeting: The chairm an can terminate the conference, i.e. all participants are
TMS: TANDBERG Management Suite
Touch Tones: To dial extension numbers etc. during a call, use touch tones in order to get tones
instead of preset on the number keys.
Tracker: The tracker is a small infrared remote control device made to steer the camera to any
desired location within the room.
TSC-1: TCS-1 is used for H243 pa ssword on H320 MCU's


VCR: Video Cassette Recorder
VGA: Video Graphics Array. (640 x 480)
VGA Out Quality: Changes the resolution of the VGA signal available in the VGA Out connector
at the rear of the codec.
View administrator settings: Displays all the system settings in a read only format.
View site: View any participant in the conference other than the participant currently On Air. Can
be used by all conference partici pants.
VNC: Virtual Network Computing.
Voice Switched: The active site will be displayed in full screen during a MultiSite conference.


WAVE II Camera: Wide Angle View Camera - delivers the widest angle of view in the industry.