Administrator Settings
215 IEEE 802.1x

The system may be connected to an IEEE 802.1x LAN network. Supported 802.1x protocols are
EAP-MD5, EAP-PEAP and EAP-TTLS. The 802.1x authentication are enabled by setting 802.1x
Mode to On.
On 802.1x authentication enabled
Off 802.1x authentication disabled
Anonymous Identity
The 802.1x Anonymous ID string is to be used as unencrypted identity with EAP types that
support different tunneled identity, EAP-PEAP and EAP-TTLS. The anonymous ID, if set, will be
used for the initial (unencrypted) EAP Identity Request.
The 802.1x Username is the username needed for 802.1x authentication.
The 802.1x Password is the password needed for 802.1x authentication.
On The EAP-MD5 protocol is enabled
Off The EAP-MD5 protocol is disabled
On The EAP_TTLS protocol is enabled
Off The EAP_TTLS protocol is disabled
On The EAP_PEAP protocol is enabled
Off The EAP_PEAP protocol is disabled
Note that 802.1x wireless LAN is not supported.