4.5.4 Stereo Settings

Settings Output response
Out 1
Mode* Stereo I/O
Mode Stereo
Speakers Audio out 1 Audio out 2 Audio out
Analog Off Off Loudspeaker
mono AUX VCR
Analog Off On Loudspeaker
left Loudspeaker
right VCR
Analog On Off Loudspeaker
mono VCR-left VCR-right
Analog On On Loudspeaker
left Loudspeaker
right VCR
SPDIF Off Off Loudspeaker
mono AUX VCR
SPDIF Off On Loudspeaker
SPDIF On Off Loudspeaker
mono VCR-left VCR-right
SPDIF On On Loudspeaker
L+R** VCR-left VCR-right
*Out 1 Mode: Auto/Analog/SPDIF is described in Outputs.
**L+R = Left + Right
When Stereo I/O Mode is Off and Stereo Speakers is Off, the output response will be a mono
loudspeaker signal on Audio out 1, AUX on Audio out 2 and VCR on Audio out 3 regardless on
the Out 1 Mode setting.
In analog mode the Stereo Speaker On will provide a stereo loudspeaker signal on Audio out 1
and 2.
If Stereo I/O Mode is On, audio input 5 and 6 and audio output 2 and 3 will beha ve as a stereo
input/output pair, VCR-left and right. The VCR Ducking and AGC setting for au dio input 6 will in
this case apply to both audio input 5 and 6. The Audio out 2 (VCR-left stereo channel) will be a
mix of the microphones and the far end l eft channel. Audio out 3 (VCR-right stereo channel) will
be a mix of the microphones and the far end right channel. (Note that stereo speakers set to on in
analog mode will provide a different scheme, see table above for details).
If Stereo I/O Mode is Off, Audio out 2 will be a mix of audio input 6, microphones and the far end
(the received far end signal is either mono, or stereo that is summed left+right into mono in near
end codec). Audio out 3 will be a mix of audio input 5, microphones and the far end. (Note that
stereo speakers set to on i n analog mode will provide a different scheme, see table above for
Note that in SPDIF mode, you are able to receive stereo through Audio out 1 independ ent of the
Stereo I/O mode setting.