
A tremolo is basically a change of the signal level controlled by an LFO. The G-Natural offers variations of this effect; ranging from soft and smooth to hard and aggressive.


Range: 0.050 Hz to 20 Hz

This parameter sets the speed of the effect.


Range: Ignore, 2 to 1/32T (T= Triplet & D= Dotted) When set to any value between 1 and 1/32T, the G- Natural’s Global Tempo is subdivided according to this setting. When set to “Ignore”, the speed set by the Speed parameter is used instead.

The Tap Master parameter – located in the Utility menu – specifies whether the global tempo or the tempo set by the speed parameter in each preset

should be used at preset change.


Range: 0 to 100%

The Depth parameter specifies the intensity of the effect. The value represents the amplitude of the modulating waveform.


Range: Soft or Hard (Sinus or Square)

Two waveforms are available as modulation sources for the tremolo effect. Setting this parameter to hard results in a steeper effect. Listen and choose the appropriate option.




Range: 0 to 100%

If you set this parameter e.g. to 20% with a type setting of hard, the waveform will be on for 80% of one period. With a type setting of soft, a 50% setting would yield a full sine wave, whilst 0% and 100% would yield a crest- to-peak and peak-to crest curve, respectively.



Range: 20 Hz to 20 kHz

This parameter attenuates the high frequencies of the Tremolo effect. Use the hi-cut filter to create a less dominant tremolo effect without changing the effect’s depth.


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TC electronic SDN BHD G-Natural user manual Tremolo, Type