dhcp Commands
E-DOC-CTC-20071119-0014 v1.0 117
dhcp client ifconfig
Configure a DHCP client.
dhcp client ifconfig intf = <>
[label = <{None|DSCP|Interactive|Management|
[metric = <number{0-255}]>
[dnsmetric = <number{0-100}]>
[broadcast = <{disabled|enabled}]>
[serverroute = <{disabled|enabled}]>
[followlabel = <{disabled|enabled}]>
intf The name of the dynamic interface to be
configured. REQUIRED
label Label for default gateway and static routes. OPTIONAL
metric Route metric for default gateway and static
routes. OPTIONAL
dnsmetric DNS route metric. OPTIONAL
broadcast Operate client in unicast/broadcast mode. OPTIONAL
serverroute Insert a route for the DHCP server IP OPTIONAL
followlabel If enabled the DHCP client's unicast traffic will
follow the route label specified. If disabled DHCP
unicast traffic will follow standard routes