dyndns Commands
238 E-DOC-CTC-20071119-0014 v1.0
dyndns modifyModify a dynamic DNS client.
dyndns modify name = <>
[intf = <{loop|Internet|LocalNetwork}]>
[user = <string]>
[password = <password]>
[group = <]>
[mx = <string]>
[backmx = <{disabled|enabled}]>
[wildcard = <{disabled|enabled}]>
[offline = <{disabled|enabled}]>
[service = <{dyndns|statdns|custom|No-IP|
[status = <{disabled|enabled}]>
[trace = <{disabled|enabled}]>
name The dynamic DNS client name. REQUIRED
intf The dynamic DNS client interface. OPTIONAL
user The username for dynamic DNS authentication. OPTIONAL
password The password for dynamic DNS authentication. OPTIONAL
group The dynamic DNS host group. OPTIONAL
mx The mail exchanger. OPTIONAL
backmx Set up the mail exchanger as a backup MX. OPTIONAL
wildcard Allow use of hostname wildcards. OPTIONAL
offline Set the host to offline mode. OPTIONAL
service The dynamic DNS service. OPTIONAL
status Enable/Disable the dynamic DNS client. OPTIONAL
trace Enable/Disable the verbose console logging for
the dynamic DNS client. OPTIONAL