connection Commands
E-DOC-CTC-20071119-0014 v1.0 79
connection Commands
connection appconfig Modify a CONN/NAT application
helper configuration see page 80
connection appinfo Display CONN/NAT application
specific info see page 81
connection applist Display the available CONN/NAT
application helpers. see page 82
connection bind Create a CONN/NAT application
helper/port binding. see page 83
connection bindlist Display the CONN/NAT application
helper/port bindings. see page 84
connection clean Clean connection database by forcing
timeouts. see page 85
connection clear Kill all connections. see page 86
connection config Modify global connection
configuration. see page 87
connection debug Connection debug commands. see page 88
connection describe Describe the streams of a connection. see page 89
connection flush Flush the connection configuration. see page 90
connection info Display all modules with some info. see page 91
connection list Display the currently known
connections. see page 92
connection refresh Invalidate all cached decisions. see page 93
connection stats Display connection and stream
statistics. see page 94
connection timerclear Clear connection timeout to default. see page 95
connection timerconfig Modify connection timeout handling. see page 96
connection unbind Delete a CONN/NAT application
helper/port binding. see page 97