eth Commands
E-DOC-CTC-20071119-0014 v1.0 249
eth bridge xtratag list Display all extra tag mapping entries. see page 296
eth device ifconfig Configure ethernet interface. see page 297
eth device iflist Show status of ethernet interfaces. see page 298
eth flush Flush all ETH interfaces. see page 299
eth ifadd Create a new ETH interface. see page 300
eth ifattach Attach an ETH interface. see page 301
eth ifconfig Modify an ETH interface. see page 302
eth ifdelete Delete an ETH interface. see page 303
eth ifdetach Detach an ETH interface. see page 304
eth iflist Display the ETH interfaces. see page 305
eth switch group flush To set all ports to the default settings
(all ports in group 0). see page 306
eth switch group list List all configured groups. see page 307
eth switch group move Move a specified port to a specified
group. see page 308
eth switch info Display switch capabilities see page 309
eth switch mirror capture Define the specified port to be the
Mirror Capture Port. see page 310
eth switch mirror egress Enable or disable the specified port to
be a Transmitted Port Mirroring. see page 311
eth switch mirror ingress Enable or disable the specified port to
be a Received Port Mirroring. see page 312
eth switch qos config Configure common qos parameters. see page 313
eth switch qos ifconfig Configure per port qos parameters. see page 314
eth switch qos list Display qos configuration. see page 315
eth switch qos weights Configure the queue weights. see page 316
eth switch shaper config Configure common ingress shaper
parameters. see page 317
eth switch shaper ifconfig Configure per port shaper
parameters. see page 318
eth switch shaper iflist Display shaper configuration per port. see page 319
eth switch share add Add a port to be shared. see page 320
eth switch share delete Delete a shared port. see page 321