eth Commands
272 E-DOC-CTC-20071119-0014 v1.0
eth bridge igmpsnooping ifconfigConfigure bridge interface IGMP snooping flags and mode.
eth bridge igmpsnooping
ifconfig [brname = <{bridge}]>
intf = <{OBC|ethport1|ethport2|ethport3|
[portmode = <{Host|Router|Auto}]>
[fastleave = <{disabled|enabled}]>
[exptrack = <{disabled|enabled}]>
[mrdp = <{disabled|enabled}]>
[rgmp = <{disabled|enabled}]>
brname The bridge instance currently to be configured. OPTIONAL
intf The bridge interface currently to be configured. REQUIRED
portmode Mode of the bridge port. OPTIONAL
fastleave Enable/Disable Fast Immediate Leave. OPTIONAL
exptrack Enable/Disable Explicit Host Tracking. OPTIONAL
mrdp Enable/Disable MRDP support. OPTIONAL
rgmp Enable/Disable RGMP support. OPTIONAL