ip Commands
450 E-DOC-CTC-20071119-0014 v1.0
ip rtaddAdd a route to the routing table.
ip rtadd dst = <ip-address>
[dstmsk = <ip-mask(dotted or cidr)]>
[label = <{None|DSCP|Interactive|Management|
[gateway = <ip-address]>
[intf = <{loop|Internet|LocalNetwork}]>
[srcintf = <{loop|Internet|LocalNetwork}]>
[metric = <number{0-255}]>
dst The destination IP address(es) using this route.
Supports ip/mask notation. REQUIRED
dstmsk The destination IP address mask. OPTIONAL
label The name of a label. OPTIONAL
gateway The IP address of the next hop (direct connected
gateway or extended route) OPTIONAL
intf Only for special interface routes : the outgoing IP
interface name. OPTIONAL
srcintf Use this interface for source address selection. OPTIONAL
metric The metric for this route (weight factor). OPTIONAL