Product Features and Accessories
4P6330 3.5 GHz Differential Probe Instruction Manual
Table1: P6330 features and standardaccessories (Cont.)
Feature/Accessory Description
Variablespacing adapter (4 ea). The variable spacing adapter
fitsover the probe tip. Push the adapter onto the probe tip until it
seatsagainst the probe head.
Use the variablespacing adapter to probe any two adjacent leads
or test pointsspaced between 0.020 and 0.180-inches apart.
Adjustthe articulated pins by gently rotating them using a pair of
NOTE: The articulated pinscan be bent, but they are fragile. Use
extremecare when bending the pins.
The elastomericcontacts inside the adapter are rated for 50 -- 75
insertion cycles with the probe tip. R eplace the adapter after
exceedingthese limits to avo id unreliable operation.
Tektronixpart number: 016-1885-00 (package of 4)
Square pin adapter (4 ea). Push the square pinadapter onto the
probe tip untilit seats against the probe head. Use the square pin
adapter to connectthe probe to other accessories, such as the
Y-leadadapter or TwinFoot adapter. The inputs on the adapter
are spaced0.100 -inchesapart.
CAUTION:To avoid damaging the square pin connectors, do not
insertanything larger than a 0.025 -inchsquare pin into the inputs.
The elastomericcontacts inside the adapter are rated for 50 -- 75
insertion cycles with the probe tip. R eplace the adapter after
exceedingthese limits to avo id unreliable operation.
Tektronixpart number: 016-1884-00 (package of 4)