P6330 3.5 GHz Differential Probe Instruction Manual 25
SpecificationsThe specifications in Tables 3 through 6 apply to a P6330 probe
installed on a TDS8000 oscilloscope.Whenthe probe is used with
anotheroscilloscope,the oscilloscopemust have aninput impedance
of50 Ω. The probe must have a warm-up period of at least
20minutesandbe in an environment that does not exceed thelimits
described in Table 3. Specifications for the P6330 differential probe
fallinto three categories: warranted,typical, and nominal character-
Warranted Characteristics
Warrantedcharacteristics (Table3) describe guaranteedperformance
withintolerancelimitsorcertain type-testedrequirements.
Warrantedcharacteristics that have checks in thePerformance
Verificationsection are marked with the nsymbol.
Table3: Warranted electrical characteristics
Characteristic Description
nDC gain 0.2 ±2%
nOutput offsetvoltage ±10 mV (+ 20_Cto+30_C,
±50 mV displayed on screen with
TEKPROBE interface
nRise time(probe only) 140 ps (130 ps typical)
Maximumnondestructive input voltage ±15 V(DC + peak AC) between signal and
commonof the same channel.
Delay variation(probe -to-probe) 600 ps maximum
Temperature Operating:0 to + 40_C
(+ 32 to + 104_F)
Nonoperating: --55 to + 75_C
(--131to + 167_F)1