10 P6330 3.5 GHz Differential Probe Instruction Manual
Figure 2: Input connector of TEKPROBE interface
Instruments with the TEKPROBE Interface (TektronixTDS 400, 500, 600,
and 700Series Oscilloscopes)
On instruments that have the TEKPROBE interface, simply connect
the probe to the input. The TEKPROBE interface provides power,
selectsthecorrectdisplayscaling,and automatically sets the 50
terminationonthe oscilloscopeinput.
NOTE. TDS 400 and TDS 400A series oscilloscopesdo not interpret
the scale factor coding of the P6330 differential probe.To correctfor
this problem, divide the measurement (orscal e factor) by 5.
Instruments without the TEKPROBE Interface
On instruments that do not have the TEKPROBE interface, you must
order the optional 1103 power supply (refer to page 7). Each 1103
can supply power for two probes. The input of the oscilloscopemust
alsoterminateinto 50 . Refer to page 22 for information on the
effects of extending the output of the probe.
Input Voltage Limits
The P6330 differential probe is designed to probe low-voltage
circuits. Before probing a voltage, take into account the limitsfor
maximum input voltage, the common-mode signal range , and the
differential-modesignal range. For specific limits, see Specifications
on page 25.