P6330 3.5 GHz Differential Probe Instruction Manual 17
Functional Check
Afterinstallingtheprobeonthe oscilloscope,a functional check
may be performed using the PROBE COMPENSATIONconnections
onthe front panel of the oscilloscope. See Figure 8.
Figure 8: Probe functional check connections
1. Connecttheprobeto the oscilloscope.
2. Setthe oscilloscopetodisplaythe probe channel.
3. Connect the square pin adapter to the probe tip, and connect the
Y-leadadapt er to the square pin adapter. Plug the SMTKli pChips
intothe Y-leadadapter.
4. ConnecttheSMTKlipChipstothe PROBECOMPENSATION
connections on the oscilloscope.
5. Adjustthe oscilloscopeto displaya stablecalibrationwaveform.