P6330 3.5 GHz Differential Probe Instruction Manual 17
Functional CheckAfterinstallingtheprobeonthe oscilloscope,a functional check
may be performed using the PROBE COMPENSATIONconnections
onthe front panel of the oscilloscope. See Figure 8.
Figure 8: Probe functional check connections
1. Connecttheprobeto the oscilloscope.
2. Setthe oscilloscopetodisplaythe probe channel.
3. Connect the square pin adapter to the probe tip, and connect the
Y-leadadapt er to the square pin adapter. Plug the SMTKli pChips
intothe Y-leadadapter.
4. ConnecttheSMTKlipChipstothe PROBECOMPENSATION
connections on the oscilloscope.
5. Adjustthe oscilloscopeto displaya stablecalibrationwaveform.