1vv0300715 Rev. 1 - 19/09/06
12.1.5Example usage script for camera
Camera setting: (shown here are the defaults ones)
>AT#CAMSEL=0 | (camera selection: |
OK |
>AT#CMODE=0 | (camera mode: |
OK |
>AT#CAMQUA=0 | (camera quality: |
OK |
>AT#CAMRES=0 | (camera resolution: |
OK |
>AT#CAMCOL=0* | (camera color: |
OK |
>AT#CAMZOOM=0 | (camera zoom: |
OK |
>AT#CAMTXT=0* | (camera timestamp: |
OK |
Taking an reading a photo: |
>AT#CAMEN=1 | (camera ON) |
OK |
>AT#TPHOTO | (take photo) |
OK |
>AT+OBJL? | (see photo dimension) |
#OBJL: Snapshot,38900 | (where 38900 is the file dimension in bytes of the photo taken) |
OK |
>AT#RPHOTO | (download the photo) |
…data….. | (where …data… Correspond to the photo data in binary) |
OK |
OK |
>AT#RPHOTO | Repeating photo capture and download n times |
…data….. |
OK |
>AT#CAMEN=O | (camera OFF) |
*only Transchip camera |
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