Dual Stripe Card:A card containing two separate magnetic stripes, usually
at the top and bottom of the card.
Dye Sublimation: Animaging mechanism for transferring measured quan-
titiesof ribbon dye onto a print media. Because imaging occurs at the resolu-
tion of the print head (typically 300 dpi) near photographic quality results.
Emboss:To produce raised letters and numbers on a PVC card, e.g., the ac-
count number and name on a credit card, by mechanical pressure from the
back side.
Encoder:The electromechanical device, which contains a means for measur-
ingdistance traveled along a magnetic stripe, used to produce flux reversals at
specified locations along the stripe.
Encoding: The process of creating flux reversals at specific locations along
the length of a magnetic stripe such that the flux reversal pattern represents
specific data.
Encrypt: Using an algorithm to transform data to conceal its meaning or
ESD: Electrostatic Discharge, typically released from a charge buildup on
people exposed to dry conditions.
Format:The set of unique bit-string patterns of Zeros and Ones correspond-
ingto the set of data characters used in magnetic stripe encoding; many differ-
ent data formats are used, the best known being the ANSI/ISO and ALPHA
High Energy Stripe: High coercivity magnetic stripe, usually above 3000
oersteds; sometimes mistakenly understood to have a higher read output.
HotStamping: A method of applying the magnetic stripe to a card; adhesive
isapplied to the magnetic material on a tape, and the magnetic material trans-
ferred form the tape to the card with a heated roller.
IDBadge: A magnetic stripe card used for identification, usually supplied un-
laminated; the user’s photo, name and data are inserted between the layers
and then laminated into the solid card.
Infrared:An infrared card depends upon encoding information with varying
densitypatterns that are read by infrared detectors. The patterns are optically
detected but are not visible to the human eye.
InsertionReader: A manually operated reader with an opening equal to the
width of the magnetic stripe card, into which the entire card is pushed.
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