Pouch: The unlaminated outer layer of an ID Badge, usually polyester, be-
tween which the paper core is placed for lamination.
Proximity: Proximity cards incorporate embedded or laminated RF (radio
frequency) circuits (in microchip form) which utilize electrically tuned circuits
that will resonate when activated by a transmitter sweeping through the RF
range.A receiver picks up a resonating frequency and activates the code deci-
phering system. Unlike other access cards the proximity card can be worn or
carried and detected at various ranges dependent upon the system’s design
PVC:Polyvinyl chloride,the basicmaterial ofthe commonplastic creditcard.
Slot Reader: Swipe reader.
Smart: A card containing an onboard computer chip and a power supply,
normallya lithium battery capable of storing up to six pages of text. Thisis the
only card in the industry at this time that has an “active” technology.
Substrate: The material on which the magnetic stripe is deposited.
Swipe Reader: A manually operated reader with a long narrow channel
(slot) through which the magnetic stripe edge of the card is pushed.
T&A: Time & Attendance systems or applications.
Track:A strip of specified width and location running the length of the mag-
neticstripe on which data is encoded; Track 1, 2 and 3 are specific track loca-
tions defined by ANSI/ISO standards.
Watermark Magnetic: A card containing small oxide particles physically
orientedinto zones of varying widths. The particles are set while the iron oxide
slurryis still fluid. The binary structure spacing of this computer-generated pat-
tern is then oven-cured to create an unalterable 10 or 12-digit code number
while leaving another layer of the magnetic stripe available for encoding soft
conventional data.
Wiegand: A Wiegand card utilizes embedded magnetically unstable ferro-
magneticwires formed in a permanently tensioned helical twist. The Wiegand
cardreader uses a magnetic coil that picks up the flux reversal characteristics of
the wires and converts them to binary pulses.
YMCKrO Ribbons: Printerribbons with color panels that also include pan-
els for resin black and a protective clear overlay varnish.
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