Card Media CR-80 credit card style cards (ISO 7810)
made of PVC (recommended) or Polyester
ABScard materials. Some card manufacturing
processes use a thin, clear over-lamination.
Magnetic (Mag.) Stripe Card (ISO 7811)
Smart Card with ISO 7816 Chip, With AF-
NOR Chip, or a combination of the Magnetic
Stripeon one side and one of the Chip versions
on the other side.
Ribbons EltronPrivilege card printers require Eltron ap-
proved ribbons. Eltron’s resin thermal transfer
and die sublimation media are specifically de-
signed for Privilege card printers. (See Appen-
dix B.)
Thermal Transfer (Resin) -All print stations
can use Thermal Transfer ribbon. Resin offers
more durability than dye sublimation, with
greaterresistance to scratches and UV-induced
DyeSublimation - Printing requires dye sub-
limationribbons with either black or Cyan (C),
Magenta(M) and Yellow (Y) panels. These rib-
bons have Overlay varnish panels to add UV
protection and durability. Color ribbons have
blackthermal transfer resin panels for bar code
and other solid imaging.
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