Media Loading
Orientation Printerswith Magnetic Encoders can have their
read/write heads positioned either above or
below the path traveled by the cards. All
configurations must have the magnetic stripes
placed closest to the rear of the printer. How-
ever, check the configuration to determine
whether the magnetic stripe should face up or
face down. Improper hopper loads produce
read errors.
Ensuring DataReliability A read verify pass is always performed on all
encoded cards to guarantee data integrity.
Either Software (WindCard™) or command
programming controls the Write and Read-
verify data processes.
52 980179-001Rev. A
MagneticCard Stripe Encoder
Figure 3-1
Magnetic Stripe
Position Stripe
Towa rd B ack
(and typically facing
down, but check
Position Stripe
Towa rd B ack
(and typically facing
down, but check