Case Removal
Step 3
Removal of the upper Phillips screws frees a
bracket. First note the proper position of this
bracket, and then remove the bracket. If
replaced improperly, the rear case screws can-
not be refastened.
Expanded Memory
Board Installation The addition of an Expanded Memory board
in Module 1 of a P500 allows the host com-
puter to download all image data in a continu-
ous stream, instead of the single color
downloadsfollowed byassociated printingthat
occur without this addition. Multiple-card
printing occurs much faster with this option in-
stalled. Rear case removal gives access for this
Before touching any of the circuit components
on either the printer or the Expanded Memory
board,be sureto dischargeany staticcharge by
touching the metal chassis. Better yet, wear a
grounding wrist band.
980179-001Rev. A 15
Figure 1-8
Bracket Removal