Protect Your Factory Warranty!
Neglect in performing recommended cleaning
procedurescan void your warranty, as can im-
proper packaging and shipping.
Other than the recommended cleaning proce-
dures described in this manual, only allow
Eltronfactory authorized technicians to service
these printers.
NEVER loosen,tighten, adjust, bend, etc. any
part or cable inside of the printer.
Theonly user adjustable features of these card
printers are made in software (or program-
ming)and the card feeder gate adjustment (see
Section 2).
Smart Card
Chip Interface When a command to the parallel printer inter-
face sends a card to the Smart Card Program-
ming station, the printer connects the Smart
Card Chip contacts to the female DB-9 con-
nector on the rear of the printer. An attached
external Smart Card Programmer uses the
DB-9 as an interface to Smart Card chip con-
980179-001Rev. A 59
SmartCard Contact Station
Figure 4-2
Smart Card
Contacts Interface
Smart Card
Smart Card
Host Computer
Host Computer