When To Clean Cleaning frequency varies with different envi-
ronments. Typically, cleanings that follow rib-
bon depletion keep the card printer operating
properly.If not, consider either another printer
location or a more frequent cleaning.
Stationary Card
Path Items
Items in the card path that cannot be reached
directly require a cleaning using the alcohol-
moistened cards of the Cleaning Kit. Encoder
Read-Writeheads requirethis kindof cleaning.
Using the
Cleaning Kit
Step 1
Remove the ribbon from both the Supply and
Take Up spindles. See Ribbon Loading in this
Using the
Cleaning Kit
Step 2
Moisten a Cleaning Card by spraying with al-
cohol. Saturate the card, but if alcohol drips
from the card, blot away the excess.
Using the
Cleaning Kit
Step 3
Place the moistened Cleaning Card in the In-
putTray, topped with the card weight. If neces-
sary, adjust the Card Gate for the card
thickness. (Since this procedure calls for only
one card, you can open the gate as much as
you like.)
Using the
Cleaning Kit
Step 4
Send the Cleaning Card through the printer
several times without enabling printing. De-
pendingon thesetup, useone ofthe following:
= Space
↵= Enter
Entryis either via WindCard™ (see manual) or
The Windows Driver (see Appendix C).
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