Exercise 4: Modifying the Program to Make the
WonderBorg Follow an infrared Signal Reliably
In this exercise, we are going to take the program on Panel 2 from Exercise 3, and modify it, using the "interrupt" function, so that the WonderBorg will follow infrared signal 2 (Way Point) more reliably.
With the program from Exercise 3, when the WonderBorg has detected infrared signal 2 (Way Point) and is walking towards the signal, if an empty can or other obstacle is placed between the robot and the Interface, blocking the signal, then the robot will lose the signal and end up turning round and round on the spot. With this new program, however, the robot moves forward a little each time it more or less completes a full turn if it loses the signal, it should be able to find it again.
In the new program on Panel 2, if there is no sensor reaction, the WonderBorg turns
18 steps to the right, and then goes 5 steps forward. This means that it is repeating a behavior pattern of scanning its surroundings, and then changing its position slightly. The blocks for these actions are green overridable blocks, so if the sensor for infrared signal 2 is triggered while the rotating, it will stop rotation and start walking forward.
Panel 1
Panel 2
| As a user you may opt to use the three |
| software. These are three completed programs that you can download to your WonderBorg. |
| You may want to try these out initially to become more familiar with programming the |
| WonderBorg. |
| The Adult personality is the most advanced |
| full range of its sensors. |
| The Baby personality does not use as many of its sensors as the adult. It hesitates |
| and makes noises before it advances forward. The baby personality also dances around |
| when it sees darkness (when you put your finger over the light sensor window). |
| The Dark personality is always looking for a fight. It will stay at a stand still and |
| use a threatening tone to try and challenge other Borgs. It uses a wide range of its |
| senses. |
| To access these personalities, open up the Robot Works program. Left mouse click on |
51 | Load. Select the "Personality" folder. Pick which personality you wish to open, click |
on it and press open. |
This software license agreement ("Agreement") is a legal contract between a user ("User"), and Bandai Co., Ltd. ("Bandai") pertaining to the Robotworks Software ("Software"). The Software is intended for use on a personal computer and is included with the product known as WonderBorg("Product").
By opening the
Clause 1: Intellectual Property Right
As between User and Bandai, any and all patents, copyrights, design rights, trademarks, trade secrets, and any other intellectual property rights in the Software, Products and supporting materials, including user manuals, are owned by Bandai.
Clause 2: Licensing
Bandai grants to the User who purchases the Software, a
Clause 3: Restrictions
1.The User shall use the Software and supporting materials in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
2.The User may not create a copy of the Software and its user manual, in whole or in part, without permission, provided that the User may create one copy of the Software only for backup purpose.
3.The User may not install the Software on more than one computer, and may not allow the Software to be used by a third party.
4.The User may not lend or sell the Software to a third party.
5.The User agrees to not modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of the Software.
Clause 4: Transfer of Ownership of the Software
The User may transfer the right to use the Software, granted by the Agreement, to a third party only if all the following conditions are met:
1.The User must transfer ownership of the Product, including the Agreement, a copy of the Software, and all supporting materials, and must retain absolutely no ownership of the foregoing.
2.The transferee agrees to be bound and restricted by the Agreement for the use of the Software.
Clause 5: Exemption from Liability
1.The Software is being delivered "As IS". Bandai provides absolutely no guarantee with respect to the Software. Any problems arising in regard to the use of the Software shall be deemed to be the responsibility of the User and shall be solved at the User s expense.
2.The specifications for the Software and the Product and the contents of the supporting materials may be changed without prior notice.
3.Bandai shall bear absolutely no responsibility or liability for any damages, loss or injury resulting from the use of the Software, the Product or supporting materials.
Clause 6: Compensation for Damage
In the event that the User inflicts damage on Bandai by infringing any of the provisions of the Agreement, Bandai may take legal action against the User or seek compensation.
Clause 7: Export Restrictions
The User may not export the Software and copies of the Software to the Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, Australia, New Zealand, and other countries in the Asia Pacific.
"WonderBorg" and "Robotworks" are the trademarks of Bandai.
"Windows ME" "Windows 98" and "Windows 95" are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation..
Other names of companies or products are, in general, trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective companies.