Retry Std. / Div.
Selecting the method of the data re-transmitting.
Std (Standard) : This is offered in normal condition.
Div.(Divided) : Using in bad condition such in long
distance, bad condition of sight, strong
heat simmer.
Delimit ETX / CRLF Select the option OFF or ON for carriage return and line feed
when collecting measurement data with a comp uter.
REC-A/B A / B Select the option to record the data.
REC-A :The measurement is started and new data is output.
REC-B :The data being displayed is output.
NEZ-REC Std / Exp Record coordinates in standard or Data with slope distance
and horizontal angle data.
Trk State OFF / ON
Selecting additional information of utility to measuring data
such as tracking status or not.
If such utility is selected, electric circular level graphic will not
be displayed whenever tilted over.
OFF :No additional information
ON :Additional information
B. Rate 4800 Fixed
Data. L 8 Fixed
Parity none Fixed
Stop Bit 1 Fixed