, r - ?r Phone/Monitor:
!‘\- lOOOR
N O . N N N |
D O O R P H O N E 1A | I |
Elapsed Time:
Intercom Number
1 CD Name/Number ylay:
- 1. idle Station
N A M E / N U M B E R
2. Called Station
N O . N N N
N A M E / N U M B E R I
Least Cost Routing (LCR):
N O . N N N
D I A L T E L N U M B E R 1
N O . N N N 5 8 3 3 7 0 0
When you are called from a door phone, its designating characters are displayed.
When you call a door phone, its desjgnating characters are displayed.
The door phone designators are NA, NB, and/or NC (N = 1 - 4, and indicate which of the 12 possible door phones is caliing or is being called).
While you are making an outgoing Central Office (CO) line call, the elapsed time of the call is displayed. Elapsed time automatically replaces the dialed number on the display after a programmed period of time. (Timing begins when a LINE button is pressed.)
1.On a CO line call, the display can be alternated between date/time, elapsed time, and dialed number by pressing the Page button (Soft Keys must be off before the call is staarted).
2.Elapsed time is displayed for 15 seconds after you hang up, and then changes automatically to date/time.
To find out what your intercom or extension number is if does not appear on your display, press intercom # 4 0 1 or CONF # 4 0 1 when on a CO or Intercom Call and the intercom number will be displayed.
A name or title may be set in memory for each station. When an LCD station is idle, the name displays on the top line of the LCD. When a station calls an LCD station, the name of the calling station displays on the bottom line of the called station’s LCD.
When you are making a call via Least Cost Routing (LCR), your display will prompt you to dial a number by displaying “Dial Tel Number”.
As you dial the number, it is shown on your display.
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