11.5 Emergency Agent Window
1. Tools Menu Opens the Setup (Configuration) window and Opens or Closes the Event List.
2. Video Display Displays the Video feed coming from the DVR.
3. DVR List Lists all DVR units you have connected to the Emergency Agent.
4. DVR List Item Individual DVR unit in DVR List with displayed settings.
5. New Opens Site Edit window to connect new DVR to Emergency Agent.
6. Modify Opens Site Edit to allow modification of selected DVR List Item.
7. Delete Deletes selected DVR List Item.
8. Date Selects date of events to display in the Event List.
9. Event Selects type of Event to Display in the Event List.
10. DVR Selects DVR to display in the Event List.
11. Reset Resets Date, Event, and DVR fields to defaults.
12. Event List Item Individual Event in Event List. Double-Clicking on an event opens the associated video in the
Search Alarm window.
13. Event List Lists all recorded events matching the Date, Event, and DVR settings.