1 Image File – Saving to an Image File allows you
to export a single image (or frame). You may
choose from a variety of different formats, JPG
being a more common format.
2. AVI File– Saving to an AVI File allows you to save
a video clip.
3. AVI Detail Setup – Allows you to define the AVI
Duration (in seconds) and the Compression Codec
used to encode the AVI video. Note: each codec
provides distinct benefits and file sizes.
4. Quality Setup – Often times it is necessary to
reduce the overall size of an AVI file (When you
wish to email it to someone for example). You can
do this by reducing the image quality. By reducing
the image quality, the AVI video appears more
Pixilated. When size is not an issue setting the
quality to 100 is highly recommended.
5. Export – The Export button begins the saving
5.8.3 Single Clip Backup
Along with the Save option, a single camera backup option is also included with the Surveillix software. The single
Camera or Clip Backup, allows the user to backup a single camera without having to backup multiple cameras at a
given time. The Clip Backup option gives the users the abilities to choose a backup time frame, choose a specific
camera, add memo’s, and even make a Copy for the Backup Viewer if needed.
1. Drive – Allows the user to select which drive the
data will be saved on.
2. Backup Start – Allows the user to set the time
that the Clip Backup will begin.
3. Backup End – Allows the user to set the time that
the Clip Backup will end.
4. Include Viewer – Saves a copy that can be
viewed with the Backup Viewer software.
5. Add Memo/Format CD – Add Memo allows you
to include a short memo with your backup. Format
CD opens the Direct CD Format Utility.
6. Channel – Allows the user to select the camera
channel that will be backed up.ind
Figure 5.7.2
Figure 5.7.2
Figure 5.7.3