Chapter 2. Installation | 15 |
Starting at the root directory of your player browse into the directory GBSYSTEM and from that into the subdirectory FWIMG. These directories are hidden. Make sure that you have congured your browser to show hidden les or you may be unable to see FWIMG.
In that directory you’ll nd a le called FWIMG01.DAT. This too may be hidden. Rename the le to FWIMG01.DAT.ORIG. Make sure you spelled that name correctly as it is needed for booting the Toshiba rmware.
Now copy the le FWIMG01.DAT you downloaded to that directory. Make sure the spelling is correct.
Warning: After installing the bootloader you need to | ! |
the following steps. Failure to do so may result in problems. |
Eject / unmount USB drive and unplug the USB cable.
Unplug any power adapter.
Hold the Power button to turn o the player.
Slide the battery switch located on the bottom of the player from ‘on’ to ‘o’
Slide the battery switch back from ‘o’ to ‘on’
2.3.3 Enabling Speech Support (optional)
If you wish to use speech support you will also need a voice le, English ones are available from http://www.rockbox.org/daily.shtml. Download the \voice" package for your player and unzip it directly to the root of your player. You should now nd an english.voice in the /.rockbox/langs directory on your player. Voice menus are enabled by default and will come into eect after a reboot. See section 8.8 (page 62) for details on voice settings.
2.4 Running Rockbox
Remove your player from the computer’s USB port. Unplug any connected power supply and turn the unit o. When you next turn the unit on, Rockbox should load. When you see the Rockbox splash screen, Rockbox is loaded and ready for use.
2.5 Updating Rockbox
Updating Rockbox is easy even if you do not use the Rockbox Utility. Download a Rockbox build. (The latest release of the Rockbox software will always be available from http://www.rockbox.org/download/). Unzip the build to the root directory of your player like you did in the installation stage. If your unzip program asks you whether to
The Rockbox manual | Toshiba Gigabeat F Series |