Toshiba F Series Plugins, Crashed This indicates that a worm has crashed against a wall, Hints

Models: F Series

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Crashed: This indicates that a worm has crashed against a wall.

Chapter 10. Plugins


Hungry: That’s the normal state of a worm. Worms are always hungry and want to eat. It is good to have a hungry worm since it means that your worm is alive. But it is better to get your worm growing.

Growing: When a worm has eaten a piece of food it starts growing. For each step it moves over food it can grow by one pixel. One piece of food lasts for 7 steps. After your worm has moved 7 steps the food is used up. If another piece of food is eaten while growing it will increase the size of the worm for another 7 steps.

Crashed: This indicates that a worm has crashed against a wall.

Argh: If the score board entry displays \Argh!" it means the worm is dead because it tried to eat an \argh". Until we can make the worm say \Argh!" it is your job to say \Argh!" aloud.

Wormed: The worm tried to eat another worm or even itself. That’s why it is dead now. Making traps for other players with a worm is a good way to get them out of the game.


Initially you will be busy with controlling your worm. Try to avoid other worms and crawl far away from them. Wait until they curl up themselves and collect the food afterwards. Don’t worry if the other worms grow longer than yours - you can catch up after they’ve died.

When you are more experienced watch the tactics of other worms. Those worms controlled by arti cial stupidity head straight for the nearest piece of food. Let the other worm have its next piece of food and head for the food it would probably want next. Try to put yourself between the opponent and that food. From now on you can ’control’ the other worm by blocking it. You could trap it by making a 1 pixel wide U-turn. You also could move from food to food and make sure you keep between your opponent and the food. So you can always reach it before your opponent.

The Rockbox manual

Toshiba Gigabeat F Series

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Toshiba F Series Plugins, Crashed This indicates that a worm has crashed against a wall, Hints, The Rockbox manual