Appendix B. WPS Tags | 144 |
B.5 Playlist/Song Info
Tag Description
%pb Progress Bar
This will replace the entire line with a progress bar.
You can set the height, position and width of the progressbar (in pixels): %pbjheightjleftposjrightposjtopposj
%px Percentage Played In Song %pc Current Time In Song
%pe Total Number of Playlist Entries
%pm Peak Meter. The entire line is used as volume peak meter. %pn Playlist Name (Without path or extension)
%pp Playlist Position
%pr Remaining Time In Song
%ps Shue. Shows ’s’ if shue mode is enabled. %pt Total Track Time
%pv Current volume (x dB). Can also be used in a conditional: %?pv<0j1j2j...jN>
B.6 Runtime Database
Tag Description
%rp Song playcount
%rr Song rating
B.7 Sound (DSP) settings
Tag Description
%Sp Display current playback pitch
%xf Crossfade setting, in the order: O, Shue, Skip, Always
%rg ReplayGain value in use (x.y dB). If used as a conditional, Replaygain type in use: %?rg<OffjTrackjAlbumjTrackShufflejAlbumShufflejNo tag>
The Rockbox manual | Toshiba Gigabeat F Series |