Appendix D. User feedback | 155 |
D.2.2 Features we will not implement
This is a list of Feature Requests we get repeatedly that we simply cannot do. View it as the opposite of a TODO!
Interfacing with other USB devices (like cameras) or 2 player games over USB The USB system demands that there is a master that talks to a slave. The player can only serve as a slave, as most other USB devices such as cameras can. Thus, without a master no communication between the slaves can take place. If that is not enough, we have no ways of actually controlling the communication performed over USB since the USB circuit in the player is strictly made for
Support other le systems than FAT32 (like NTFS or ext2 or whatever)!
No. support for more le systems will just take away valuable ram for unnecessary features. You can partition your player ne, just make sure the rst one is FAT32 and then make the other ones whatever le system you want. Just do not expect Rockbox to understand them.
It would be a very slow operation that would drain the batteries and take a lot of useful ram for something that is much better and faster done when connected to a host computer.
The Rockbox manual | Toshiba Gigabeat F Series |