Chapter 6. Sound Settings | 44 |
tents of one channel into the other. This has the eect of gradually centering the stereo image, until you have monophonic sound at 0%. Values above 100% will progressively remove components in one channel that is also present in the other. This has the eect of widening the stereo eld. A value of 100% will leave the stereo eld unaltered.
6.7 Crossfeed
Crossfeed attempts to make the experience of listening to music on headphones more similar to listening to music with stereo speakers. When you listen to music through speakers, each ear will hear sound originating from both speakers. However, the sound from the left speaker reaches your right ear slightly later than it does your left ear, and vice versa.
The human ear and brain together are very good at interpreting the time dierences between direct sounds and reected sounds and using that information to identify the direction that the sound is coming from. On the other hand, when listening to head- phones, each ear hears only the stereo channel corresponding to it. The left ear hears only the left channel and the right ear hears only the right channel. The result is that sound from headphones does not provide the same spatial cues to your ear and brain as speakers, and might for that reason sound unnatural to some listeners.
The crossfeed function uses an algorithm to feed a delayed and ltered portion of the signal from the right channel into the left channel and vice versa in order to simulate the spatial cues that the ear and brain receive when listening to a set of loudspeakers placed in front of the listener. The result is a more natural stereo image that can be especially appreciated in older rock and jazz records, where one instrument is often
Crossfeed has the following settings:
Crossfeed: Selects whether the crossfeed eect is to be enabled or not.
Direct Gain: How much the level of the audio that travels the direct path from a speaker to the corresponding ear is supposed to be decreased.
Cross Gain: How much the level of the audio that travels the cross path from a speaker to the opposite ear is to be decreased.
Most users will nd the default settings to yield satisfactory results, but for the more adventurous user the settings can be
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