TV-IP600/W Wireless Network Camera
Video Settings
Click the Video link from the column on the left
Video Settings menu
Video Settings:
Use this section to configure the video settings for your camera as described below:
•Video Resolution: Click a radio button to set the desired video resolution format. The available options are 160x120, 320x240 and 640x480.
•Compression Rate: Click a radio button to set the desired compression rate. There are five levels to choose from starting from Very Low and ending at Very High. Higher video compression rates will generate more compact file sizes with lower video quality and vice- versa. The default setting is Medium.
•Frame Rate: Click a radio button to select the desired frame rate. The default setting is Auto.
•Brightness Control: Use the buttons to adjust the brightness level. The default setting is 64.
•Contrast Control: Use the buttons to adjust the contrast level. The default setting is 64.