Redialing a Number
Deleting a Redial Record
If you want to delete a phone number from the handset's redial list, follow the steps below: 1. With the phone in standby, press [redial/pause].
2. Use [redial/pause] or[ ] and [
] to scroll through the redial list.
3. When you find the redial number you want to delete, press [menu/clear].
4. Select YES, and then press [select/ ] or [menu/clear]. The redial number is deleted.
Adjusting the Ringer, Earpiece, and Speaker Volume
Adjusting the Ringer Volume
You can choose from three ringer volume settings on the handset ( off, low, and high) and four options ( off, low, medium, and high) on the base. With the phone in stand- by, use [ ]or [ ]on the handset or [ ]or [ ] on the base to
adjust the ringer volume.