Here are some typical displays:
When the phone number | When invalid data is received |
and name data are received | |
When a private name is received | When a private number is received |
When an unknown name is received | When an unknown number is received |
2)When you pick up the phone, the display changes to ”Line 1” or ”Line 2” . (AutoTalk feature is set to on.)
note | Data errors appear as ” 2” |
Viewing the Caller ID Message List
The Caller ID list stores information for up to 80 (40 for each line) incoming calls - even unanswered calls.
To review your Caller ID names/numbers, follow the steps below:
1) Press cid/hold.
The following screen appears:
2) Use * /t/tone , # /s to select ”Line1” or ”Line2” for Caller ID.
•If you have no Caller ID name/numbers, then the total is shown as ”00”.
•Once a Caller ID message has been viewed, it is no longer considered a new message.
C A L L E R I D F E AT U R E S [ 35 ]