Getting Started |
Understanding the Basic Functions
Your station provides many versatile features for your use. These features are explained in terms of what they allow you to do.
Message-Waiting Light
Indicates that a message awaits pick up.
Microphone Opening (not available on 8112N and 8212N)
Speaker (not available on 8112N and 8212N)
Sounds distant party’s voice.
Sounds ringing and
Telephone Speaker
Volume Up
1 | ABC 2 | DEF 3 |
GHI 4 | JKL 5 | MNO 6 |
PRS 7 | TUV 8 | WXY 9 |
* | 0 | # |
| TAP |
| MUTE |
| HOLD |
| SCS001 |
Line Buttons,
DSS/BLF Buttons
Programmable Buttons
Intercom Button*
Message Button*
TAP Button*
Transfer/Conference Button*
Speaker Button*
Mute Button*
Hold Button*
Volume Down
Microphone Opening
*NOTE: These are default button locations.
Your system installer may have reprogrammed these buttons to better suit your needs.
Impact SCS 8212S-** Speakerphone
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