33 Chapter 4
2. Click the ADD button to assign a COM port to an EDG device.
Module of Installed Device
You can choose between all connected EDG devices. In this example,
"EDG-4516+" was chosen.
IP Address of Installed Device
Enter the IP address you assigned in chapter 3.4.
Port of Installed Device
Choose the port where you want to setup: 8 ports for EDG-4508+ and 16
ports for EDG-4516+.
Properties (Auto Reconnect Function)
Sometimes, the system may crash because the EDG device is interrupted
or powered-off by accident. In such a situation, the host PC need to
reconnect to the EDG device automatically.
EDG devices provide an "Auto-reconnect" function for this purpose. If
the EDG device loses the connection to its host, the driver will automati-
cally try to re-establish the connection. When the connection is working
again, the host PC's commands will be automatically received by the
EDG Series again. Reconfiguration is not necessary, so this function
enhances the reliability of the system.