7.3.4 DI/O Event Configuration
In event configuration, you can assign DI event by enabling the check box and choose the optimized action mode, Server IP and TCP Port for the active event. Further information about DI/O event configuration, please refer to session 5.5.
7.3.5 Reset Configuration
All configurations will take effect after this reset step, just press the reset button and the system will give a reset response. It will take a few sec- onds to reconnect to the new values.
7.4 Cnsole Configuration for EDG-4508+U/4516+U
Further information about console configuration and hyper terminal setting, please refer to chapter 6.
7.4.1 Command List
Command | Function |
version | Displays the current firmware version |
log | Displays the log file |
date | Displays or sets the date |
time | Displays or sets the time |
net | Displays the net configuration |
port | Displays the status of port(s) |
event | Displays the configuration of event(s) |
ping | Sends ICMP ECHO_REQUEST packets to network hosts |
exit | Terminates shell session |
web | Sets web password or saves web configuration |
reboot | Reboots the system |
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