Appendix C VXI-MXI Component Placement
© National Instruments Corporation C-3 VXI-MXI User Manual
Removing the INTX Daughter Card from the VXI-MXI
Under normal circumstances you will not need to remove the INTX card from the VXI-MXI
module. You have easy access to the INTX terminators and CLK10 mapping switches through
cut-outs in the VXI-MXI enclosure.
Should you find it necessary to remove the INTX card, follow these steps.
1. Remove the three screws on the top of the daughter card.
2. Remove the two INTX connector jack sockets on the sides of the INTX connector on the
front panel of the VXI-MXI.
3. Carefully lift the daughter card out of the daughter card connectors on the VXI-MXI.
Figure C-2 is a parts locator diagram of the rear side of the INTX daughter card, showing the
location of the INTX terminators and the three CLK10 mapping switches.
Figure C-2. VXI-MXI INTX Parts Locator Diagram (Rear View)