Watson & Sons 520DUN user manual Input 1 speed

Models: 520DUN

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Input 1 - speed allows the user to tell the pump which signal type he will apply to Analogue 1, or to choose the program option. If he selects Program from the sub- sequent menu, the user can choose his input type and tell the pump the speeds at which to operate on receiving a low or high process control signal. See Input - speed.

Scaling - stroke allows the user to disable scaling control, or if he wishes to enable scaling, to tell the pump which signal type he will apply to Analogue 2, or to choose the program option. If he selects Program from the subsequent menu, the user can choose his input type and tell the pump the speed proportion at which to operate on receiving a low or high process control signal. See Input - speed.

Trim displays the Trim menu, described above. See 18.1 Trim.

Exit returns the user to the first section of the Setup menu. See 18 Setup.

Input 1 - speed

￿Select Input 1 - speed using the UP or DOWN keys and press ENTER to con- firm your choice.

￿The pump offers two further choices: 4-20mAand 0-10V. Use the UP or DOWN keys to make a selection and press ENTER to confirm your decision.

￿The pump configures the hardware and factory-set response data and briefly displays a confirmation screen. The user is returned to the Analogue setup dis- play. Example figures are shown here.

￿Alternatively the user can select Program to configure the pump to respond in a user-programmed way to any process signal range within the limits described above.

Watson-Marlow 520DuN IP66/NEMA 4X User Manual


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Watson & Sons 520DUN user manual Input 1 speed