Worth Data 7000 manual Set Time, Set Date, Date Format, Year Output, Shut Down Time

Models: 7000

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your serial Printer supports it. It DOES NOT apply to the Cameo and QL3 Printers.

Settings E and F pertain to the way the RF Terminal handles illegal statements coming from the host computer. RF Terminal software versions prior to 9.059 did not handle illegal statements the same way as current versions. This setting is really only applicable if you had written your host program to be compatible with RF Terminal versions prior to RFT9059.

Date & Time Setting

Set Time

The time is set using a 4-digit military hhmm format. For example, to set the time to 3:08 p.m., you would enter 1508. To display the time during operation, press the STATUS key.

Set Date

For correct date display, the 6-digit date must be set in the date format you plan to use. By default the US terminals use the US date format of dd/mm/yy. If you change the date format, you must re-set the date to match the new format. For example, to set a date of January 20, 2009, you would enter 012009 (US format) or 200109 (European format). To display the date during operation, press the STATUS key.

Date Format

US Format


European Format


The US format of mm/dd/yy is the default setting.

If you switch formats, you must reset the date (SET DATE) in the new format also.

Year Output

2 digit


4 digit


By default, the RF Terminal is configured to display and transmit the year in a 2-digit format; i.e. 2009 would transmit and display as 09.

Before you change the RF Terminal to display a 4-digit year, i.e. 2009, make sure that the software receiving data from the RF Terminal is set up to accept a 4-digit year.

Shut Down Time

By default, if the RF Terminal is inactive (no keystrokes or scanning) for more than 5 minutes, it will shut itself down in order to conserve batteries. This includes SIGNING OFF if appropriate. To resume operation, you must turn the RF Terminal back on using the ON/OFF key. To change the amount of time the RF Terminal waits before shutting down enter two digits - the default is 05 (5 minutes)- to correspond to the length of time in minutes. For example, 01 would be 1 minute. Setting the Shut Down Time to 00 will disable automatic shutdown.

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Worth Data 7000 manual Set Time, Set Date, Date Format, Year Output, Shut Down Time