SendFormat (15-line terminal only)
Parameters: FGcolor, BGcolor
Function: Sends to the ActiveTerminal the current Format Definition as created by one or more calls
to the DefineFormat method. It also sets the user-default display foreground and
background colors.
Must be followed by an Input method call to take effect.
Parameters: line
Function: This instructs the ActiveTerminal to display date and time on the specified line number.
Must be followed by an "Input" method call to take effect.
Parameters: count
Function: This instructs the ActiveTerminal to beep count times. Count may be a value from 1 to 9.
Must be followed by an "Input" method call to take effect.
Parameters: msgnum
Function: This instructs the ActiveTerminal to play voice message number msgnum. Msgnum may
be a value from 1 to 99. Must be followed by an "Input" method call to take effect.
Function: This instructs the ActiveTerminal to re-initialize. Must be followed by an "Input" method
call to take effect.
Base Stations use the message "Buffer Reinitialized..." to indicate a single terminal
Function: Instructs all attached terminals to re-initialize.
Returns code for the most recent error. Calling this method resets the Error Code to 0.
Error Codes
0. No Error
1. Command Data Too Long
2. Error on Close Device
3. Serial Out Data Too Long
4. Invalid Terminal ID On Last Command
5. Terminal ID Format Error
6. Display Formatting Error
Events – ActiveX Object
WDterm events occur when a specific condition is met. When an event is "fired", an event handler
function in your application is called.
Though the details of exactly how it is done varies from one programming environment to the next, the
source code skeletons for the various event handlers are automatically generated and inserted into your
source code for you. See the samples for more specific information.
Each event passes relevant information to your event handler function. The only event that does not pass
any data is OnTermBaseRegister. All others pass at least the Terminal ID on which the event occurred.
OnTermData also passes the data that was keyed or scanned into the terminal.