Worth Data 7000 manual Color Display Programming, @Cfnfnfn...\cb

Models: 7000

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Here is a listing of valid commands and examples:


Command function





Reinitializes all terminals



Reinitializes Terminal #3



Make Terminal #1 beep n (1-9) times






Clears the entire screen (4, 6 or 15 lines) on Terminal #2. *See



more about 4 and 6 line displays on page 6-4.






Clears line 1 on Terminal #0



Clears line 2 on Terminal #1



Clears line 3 on Terminal #2



Clears line 4 on Terminal #0



Clears line 5 on Terminal#3 (if 6 line display), Clears all lines if 4



line display. *See more about the two display types on page 6-4.



Clears line 6 on a 6 line display. Will do nothing on a 4 line



display. *See more about 4 and 6 line displays on page 6-4.



Clears lines 7 thru 15 on a 15 line display. Will do nothing on a 4



or 6 line display. *See more about 4 and 6 line displays on page






Clears screen (same as @C0) and sets SMALL font, 15 lines



with 26 characters per line



Clears screen (same as @C0) and sets MEDIUM font, 10 lines



with 20 characters per line



Clears screen (same as @C0) and sets LARGE font, 7 lines



with 13 characters per line



Displays date and time on line n (1-4) in US (mm/dd/yy,



hh:mm:ss) or Euro (dd/mm/yy, hh:mm:ss) format on Terminal #1



Play voice message #nn (01-99) on Terminal #1


Output dataxxxxxxx to serial port on Terminal #1 -max 231 chs

NOTE: The 15-line terminal defaults to small font on Sign-In.

Color Display Programming

New commands have been added to take advantage of the larger color display on the LT7001. You now have the ability to define the color and font size on a line by line basis.

There are 16 possible text and background colors available to choose from. They are the same 16 colors used in HTML programming.

The @C command has been expanded to set the foreground and background colors for the entire display and within the same command you can also set the font size for the entire display to all be the same or split up the display using different size fonts for each line.

The command structure is as follows:



@C are the 2 header bytes

f:is the font size and can be either S, M or L for small, medium or large

n:is the number of lines being defined

\cb: defines the user default colors, c=text color, b=background color

The \cb command can also change the active text/background color within a prompt at any time.

All screen formatting and color commands are dynamic and not stored in the unit so they will need to be sent at every sign-in.

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Worth Data 7000 manual Color Display Programming, @Cfnfnfn...\cb