
Initialization Commands
Private Profile File To Use
Initialization File: Not applicable
Command Line: -pffilename
Default Setting: TT*W.INI (* is either 05, 07 or 11)
This command line option enables you to specify a different private profile file for
TeemTalk to use instead of the default.
Path For Emulation Settings File
WIN.INI File: NVPath= directory
Command Line: Not applicable
Default Setting: \TEEMTALK
This command applies to TeemTalk for Windows 3.1x. If you have chosen a different
destination directory for the emulation settings file TT*W.NV to the default directory
\TEEMTALK, you must specify the full directory path using this command.
Path For Workspace Settings File
WIN.INI File: WSPath=directory
Command Line: Not applicable
Default Setting: \TEEMTALK
This command applies to TeemTalk for Windows 3.1x. If you have chosen a different
destination directory for the workspace settings file TT*W.WSP to the default
directory \TEEMTALK, you must specify the full directory path using this command.
Connection Template To Use
Initialization File: Not applicable
Command Line: -se"description"
Default Setting: Untitled
This command enables you to override the default connection template used when
TeemTalk is loaded, as specified in the Open Session dialog box. The description
must exactly match the description assigned to a connection template already saved
using the Save Session As dialog box and must be enclosed by double-quotes.