A.4635/4635MX Audit log record
This document contains the public record format definitions for the Xerox 4635 / 4635MX audit logs. There are two types of audit log files. The first is the Master Audit Directory file (.ALM). The second is the Audit Log Data file (.ALG).
The Master Audit Directory file provides a mapping from report names (as specified by the BTEXT RNA parameter) to the Audit Log Data file©s DOS filename. It also contains selected summary information.
The second file type is the Audit Log Data file. Using the DOS file name returned from the Master Audit Directory file, you can select the following record types from the Audit Log Data file: Log Header, Page Detail, Waste Management and Operations Log.
The following record formats used in conjunction with the BTRIEVE record management software documentation will enable the customer to programatically access Audit Log data.
Master audit directory
This file contains an entry for each report that is audited. It maps report names that are displayed to the operator to DOS file names and contains copies of certain data fields from each audit log file.
This redundant data is included to enhance performance when querying a number of logs. For example, a list of logs with their start dates, stale dates and error status could be prepared without referencing the Audit Log Data file for these reports.
The scope of the Master Directory includes the